Have you ever stopped to look at the members of your local gym using only the cardio room? I challenge you to take notice of the poor souls, repeatedly using only cardio equipment for a week, two weeks, even three weeks and tell me what you notice. I can safely say that your answer will be … not much! This is simply due to the fact that “Traditional Cardio” also known as “Steady State Cardio” will never, I mean NEVER, generate that slim, toned sexy body you are dreaming of.
“Steady State Cardio” (or maybe we should call it slow boring cardio) only seems to do one thing …. burn time! And its time, our most precious asset, that we just can’t find enough of so why spend it on a treadmill?
Yes, steady state cardio increases heart rate, circulation, burns some calories and makes you feel good because you sweat and release endorphins, but when you’re doing the same routine everyday without altering length or intensity your body simply adapts to the workout and therefore the effects of fat loss through calorie burn disappear. The simple saying “doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity” rings very true in this instance.
Quite simply, the repetitive action of steady state cardio will only lead to overuse injuries and hormonal imbalance. Creating a stressed body, increasing cortisol levels and therefore putting the body into a catabolic state that uses lean muscle tissue for energy and will not burn fat effectively, if at all.
Now don’t get me wrong, I am not a hater of cardio! The right type of cardio holds a very definitive place in the health and fitness world, but only the right type... High Intensity Interval Training! By simply replacing Steady State Cardio with high intensity interval training the benefits are endless.
Keep your eye out for part two, introduction to interval training – coming soon!