Sunday, February 26, 2012

You Gotta Love Leg Training!

If you ask anyone that knows me, I love training legs! I really think that they separate the good from the bad (and the ugly). The movements that you do for your legs (often) develop more than just the lower body itself. You recruit more lower back strength and stability as well as grip strength, explosion, balance and posture doing movements like squats, deadlifts, lunges etc. I could go on and on about the benefits of legs training but many great coaches before have already filled in the blanks. I will simply stick to the nuts and bolts so that you can get cracking with hitting up ‘dose legs!
I often see a lot of people focus in on the upper body and simply overuse their chest and their arms. Don’t get me wrong, I am a fan of hitting up those body parts too but there comes a point when you simply forget about the lower body when you are always wearing pants to the gym.
If you are chasing an athletic physique, you need to be strong and balanced all over. If you simply want to lose some body fat then you would be mad to not incorporate legs into your program. The ‘pins’ are some of the largest muscles in the body. They need and burn a lot of calories when performing simple movements like a squat or a deadlift. 
A few people in the industry who I respect greatly have posted some great articles on leg training and they can be seen here. Another one refers to a good friend of mine and fellow coach out of Sydney. He is definitely worth a look as he is a pretty smart cookie. Here is his article.
There are a number of training styles that I subscribe to and have seen work effectively and I will tie them into this little workout. This little training day has elements of a mentor of mine, Charles Poliquin, and is based on his framework for a type of tri-set training. If you are a PICP coach or you’re currently training with one, then I reckon you have a fair idea of what I am talking about.
Our athletes will use variations of this type of training as do many of our other clients. I am a big fan of using barbells and dumbbells but I am also a fan of getting people to think about the movement that they are doing. TRX Suspension Trainers are a great tool to partner with the dumbbells and kettlebells
Anyhoo! Here is the workout and will will endeavor to film this and pair it up. 
A1) BB Back Squat - 6-8 Reps, 3-4 Sets, 40x1 Tempo, 10s Rest
A2) Single Leg TRX Lunge - 10-12 Reps, 3-4 Sets, 3010 Tempo, 10s Rest
A3) 45 Degree Leg Press - 15 Reps, 3-4 Sets, 2010 Tempo, 75s Rest
This is the point where you take some BCAA’s and get ready for the next section!
B1) Lying Hamstring Curl - 6-8 Reps, 3-4 Sets, 5110 Tempo, 10s Rest
B2) BB Romainian Deadlift - 10-12 Reps, 3-4 Sets, 4011 Tempo, 10s Rest
B3) Supine TRX Hamstring Runners - 15 Reps (Each Leg), 3-4 Sets, 2010 Tempo, 75s Rest

If you're wanting more of these workouts then simply email us at

Friday, February 17, 2012

We Call This.... The Pink Fantastic!

My assistant has been lovely enough to submit this one. A great little treat that's healthy and refreshing. It's one of those really yummy drinks that can really make a summer afternoon. 

- 1 frozen banana
- 5 frozen blackberries
- 1 tablespoon of organic peanut butter 
- 2 tablespoons of organic, natural yoghurt
- 2 tablespoons of full cream
- ground cinnamon
Blend the ingredients together in a blender but dont completely liquify it - leave some lumps!
Pour mix into a glass and sprinkle cinnamon on top and a berry. Enjoy with a spoon and a friend!

Peanut Butter Blast

This is a super little recipe that was passed on to me from a amazing client and a wonderful friend (Thanks Fran!). 

I have seen lots of variations of this type of snack and I have been eager to try them all. Here is another variation that I have found to be not only super yummy but also easy to make. It's is a super post workout snack and a snack that you can have during the day to keep you from eating the junk food in the dispenser. 

There are heaps of different variations but here is the one we use and the one we are going to be issuing in our client programming. 

2 cups of organic crunchy peanut butter
1 scoop of chocolate or vanilla whey protein isolate
1 cup of gluten free rice puffs (can find these in your local health food store)
1/8 to 1/4 cup of honey

Heat up the peanut butter until it slightly melted (not runny). Stir in honey and protein powder. Once mixed, add in organic rice puffs.

Form into balls and then place in fridge to harden overnight. Note that if you prefer harder/softer peanut butter balls, you can adjust the volumes of the ingredients until your desired texture is reached. Sprinkle some coconut on top to finish.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Setting Goals Is Not As Simple As You Think

I have been lucky enough to have been able to practice in this industry for about 7 years now. I have seen a few things that have produced amazing results time and time again like BioSignature, functional medicine, Paleolithic eating patterns, Trigenics, ART practices and many more. However the one thing that has stuck out the most is the need for effective goal setting.

Now, before you start thinking this is all wanky, hear me out. Learning how to set goals properly has raised my income and my company’s worth and revenue to heights I never thought of. It all started with a few points that I will give you here. For trainers and clients alike, learning this stuff see’s you to bigger and better gains in all areas of your training. Here are my top 3 tips for effective goal setting.

Always tie your goals to an emotion

This is number one for a reason. If you look at a used car salesmen, they always sell a car on how it feels, looks and what you are going to appear to others while you drive it. People aren't going to give a shit about how much you paid for it but they will care if you look cooler then them.

The same goes for getting into shape, getting strong or increasing your level of fitness. You need to think about how sexy you are going to look and FEEL in that dress or how confident and awesome you are going to look and FEEL while walking to the beach with your shirt off. These (yes!) are appearances based but also have a lot to do with confidence. If you feel good about something... you will do it. Right? Right!

Take Home Point- Think about how you are going to feel in the dress, shirt, at the beach, on stage in front of hundreds and people and think about the rush that goes with it. I promise you, it is all worth it!

Deadlines, Deadlines, DEADLINES!!!

Ok, simple but important. If you don’t have an end date, you gots nothing! The reason why bodybuilders, elite athletes and other sportsmen and women do so well in the goal setting department is because they have an end date. They have a time and place where they need to be at and also have to be in the best physical and mental condition. Women who come and see me for wedding preparations kick serious ass because they think about the dress they are going to be in and also the date of the ceremony. 

The athletes we train have a specific date in mind and we work backwards from that date. We work out what we need to do and how long it will take us. In the exercise science world it is called periodization and is a CRUCIAL part of getting an athlete to become strong and successful. The planning is just as important as the stuff you do. 

Take Home Point- Give yourself a deadline and make sure that you stick to it. How  much of a douche bag would you feel if you bust your gut to get in shape just to give up at the end? Try using I statements in your goal setting for example : “I WILL hit my ideal body fat percentage by 30th June 2012”

Who is keeping you accountable?

This one is a biggy for everyone. Out of the thousands of people I have met in this industry, I could tell you how many people who could perform amazing training programs and get in the best shape and physical conditioning of their lives as there are fingers on my hands. Not many if any! Being gifted with amazing mental toughness is something that is as rare as hen’s teeth. It does exist and is amazing when you get to see it.

The best way to make sure you achieve your goals is make sure you have someone along for the ride either doing with you or training you. Human nature dictates that you will never let someone else down but you will let down yourself. You don't have the balls to let down your buddy by not heading into the gym to work out but you would stay in bed for an early morning squat session by yourself. .admit it!

I am lucky to have a few great training partners who know that we ARE NOT friends while we train and they are to treat me as such. They are some of the strongest and leanest people I know and they are a walking testimonial to their determination (partly because I am their coach also!). Find people you trust to never you down and promise them you will do the same. 

Take Home Point- Find someone who will keep you on the straight and narrow. Personally, I have found that paying someone you look up to be this person is far better then your best friend. If you are paying for a service you are more likely to stick to it and follow through on what you have promised. If you don’t, you will be both out of pocket while still looking and feeling shit-house. Get your act together, find a stellar coach with a great track record and make it happen.