If you ask anyone that knows me, I love training legs! I really think that they separate the good from the bad (and the ugly). The movements that you do for your legs (often) develop more than just the lower body itself. You recruit more lower back strength and stability as well as grip strength, explosion, balance and posture doing movements like squats, deadlifts, lunges etc. I could go on and on about the benefits of legs training but many great coaches before have already filled in the blanks. I will simply stick to the nuts and bolts so that you can get cracking with hitting up ‘dose legs!
I often see a lot of people focus in on the upper body and simply overuse their chest and their arms. Don’t get me wrong, I am a fan of hitting up those body parts too but there comes a point when you simply forget about the lower body when you are always wearing pants to the gym.
If you are chasing an athletic physique, you need to be strong and balanced all over. If you simply want to lose some body fat then you would be mad to not incorporate legs into your program. The ‘pins’ are some of the largest muscles in the body. They need and burn a lot of calories when performing simple movements like a squat or a deadlift.
A few people in the industry who I respect greatly have posted some great articles on leg training and they can be seen here. Another one refers to a good friend of mine and fellow coach out of Sydney. He is definitely worth a look as he is a pretty smart cookie. Here is his article.
There are a number of training styles that I subscribe to and have seen work effectively and I will tie them into this little workout. This little training day has elements of a mentor of mine, Charles Poliquin, and is based on his framework for a type of tri-set training. If you are a PICP coach or you’re currently training with one, then I reckon you have a fair idea of what I am talking about.
Our athletes will use variations of this type of training as do many of our other clients. I am a big fan of using barbells and dumbbells but I am also a fan of getting people to think about the movement that they are doing. TRX Suspension Trainers are a great tool to partner with the dumbbells and kettlebells
Anyhoo! Here is the workout and will will endeavor to film this and pair it up.
A1) BB Back Squat - 6-8 Reps, 3-4 Sets, 40x1 Tempo, 10s Rest
A2) Single Leg TRX Lunge - 10-12 Reps, 3-4 Sets, 3010 Tempo, 10s Rest
A3) 45 Degree Leg Press - 15 Reps, 3-4 Sets, 2010 Tempo, 75s Rest
This is the point where you take some BCAA’s and get ready for the next section!
B1) Lying Hamstring Curl - 6-8 Reps, 3-4 Sets, 5110 Tempo, 10s Rest
B2) BB Romainian Deadlift - 10-12 Reps, 3-4 Sets, 4011 Tempo, 10s Rest
B3) Supine TRX Hamstring Runners - 15 Reps (Each Leg), 3-4 Sets, 2010 Tempo, 75s Rest
If you're wanting more of these workouts then simply email us at info@atlasperformance.com.au.